There is no ONE food that can derail your weight loss. Ultimately it comes down ...

There is no ONE food that can derail your weight loss. Ultimately it comes down ...
WLS ,bariatricsurgery ,vsg ,rny ,weightlosstips ,nutrition ,fatloss ,tuesday ,sleevegastrectomy ,gastricbypass ,fatloss ,calories

There is no ONE food that can derail your weight loss. Ultimately it comes down to energy balance. Which means eat more calories than your body needs=weight gain. There are choices you can make to eat less calorie dense foods, that may help you achieve your goals.
My suggestion to you is to start reading labels! That info can be key to making an informed decision. Like if a food is “worth” it , and fits into your caloric goal for the day, or you would rather spend your calories on something that you actually enjoy.
Most people are eating much more than the actual serving of any given food.
1. Dressings: opt for a lighter dressing like a balsamic vinaigrette or maybe just a squeeze of lemon
2. Oils=120 calories per tablespoon, opt for a smaller amount when cooking like 1 tsp, or bake/grill/poach foods. And please don’t add coconut oil to your coffee.
3. Granola: opt for a few sliced almonds if you’re looking for crunch
4. Swap granola bars for protein bars. I have a previous post about this
5. Nut butters are easy to overeat and most people eat more than the serving size which is small! 2 tbsp=190 calories. Opt for whole nuts or powdered pb instead or measure your portions
6. Microwave popcorn contains trans fat! Avoid! Opt for air popped popcorn
7. Avoid fatty deli meats like salami or pepperoni and opt for leaner meats like turkey
8. Rice cakes!! People love these but they have a high glycemic index and no protein! They will leave you hungry. If you must pair it with a protein
9. Dried fruit=too much sugar! As an example, 100g of raisins have almost 6x the amount of sugar and calories than the same weight of grapes!
10. Red meat generally is fattier, and has more calories for the same weight than leaner sources of protein
11. Many people overdo it on cheese. The serving size is 1oz or 1/4 cup
12. Juice can easily sabotage you. Don’t drink your calories folks!
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