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I’ve had so many people tell me they don’t want to have weight loss surgery because of hair loss, loose skin, so and so gained their weight back, etc. Hair loss is temporary. And wigs/extensions can be affordable and easy to use. Loose skin won’t kill you, can be surgically removed, and most of the time is covered by clothing anyway. Yes, lots of people gain weight back - this surgery was a tool - not a quick fix. I still have to eat right, I still had to change my entire life, I still have to stay active. And if I go back to my old ways - than yes, I will gain my weight back. I’d also like to add that any extreme weight loss, including massive weight loss without surgery comes with the same side effects. But I promise you that the feeling of being healthy is better than anything I could have ever imagined. My ONLY regret is that I didn’t have gastric bypass sooner. Do it for yourself, do it for your kids, do it for the after picture. 💕 •

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#transformationtuesday #100poundsdown #150poundsdown

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