FACE TO FACE FRIYAAAYYYYS Earlier, I was asked to name 5 things I’m grateful fo...

FACE TO FACE FRIYAAAYYYYS Earlier, I was asked to name 5 things I’m grateful fo...
vsg ,weightloss ,transformationtuesday ,rny ,gastricsleeve ,gastricsurgery ,gastricband ,gastricbypass ,vsgcommunity ,vsgtransformation ,vsgcommunitysupport ,vsgfam ,weightlossttransformation ,chasinghappiness ,mentalhealth ,happiness ,lifechanges ,tonicsurgery ,bariatricsurgery ,extremeweightloss ,weightlossvlog ,fitness ,beforeandafter ,transformation ,wlscommunity ,wlssupport ,vsgbeforeandafter ,facetofacefriday ,weightlossmotivation

🙆🏻‍♀️ FACE TO FACE FRIYAAAYYYYS🙆🏻‍♀️ Earlier, I was asked to name 5 things I’m grateful for which you can find on my story but I’d like to add a 6th thing!! MY NEWFOUND JAWLINE! Yes I know the photo on the left is me in a pool and the photo on the right is me posing in a face full of makeup, sue me😂 I’ve always wanted to try my hand at modelling but never had the confidence to. Finally, last Sunday, I took the plunge and had my first shoot (more pictures to come soon) - I couldn’t quite believe it when he sent the pictures back to me. My face is really starting to get definition and it’s suchhhhh a good feeling. I don’t panic anymore when I’m looking a certain way because I’ll have 3 chins or too much fat showing on my neck. I know this sounds soooo ridiculous but if you’ve struggled with your weight then you will KNOW the internal silly panics we have with ourselves. If you lot heard the way I spoke to myself sometimes you’d think I was a bitch😂😂 Also, why do I look so young on the left?! It was only taken a year ago!! I really feel like you can see my features more now I’ve lost face weight - my eyes are more prominent, my nose is (still big, thanks dad) but thinner and my chin is less pronounced. I also have cheekbones???!!!!! Girlllllll! Small changes but make a huge difference and add to the growing confidence😍 #vsg #weightloss #transformationtuesday #rny #gastricsleeve #gastricsurgery #gastricband #gastricbypass #vsgcommunity #vsgtransformation #vsgcommunitysupport #vsgfam #weightlossttransformation #chasinghappiness #mentalhealth #happiness #lifechanges #tonicsurgery #bariatricsurgery #extremeweightloss #weightlossvlog #fitness #beforeandafter #transformation #wlscommunity #wlssupport #vsgbeforeandafter #facetofacefriday #weightlossmotivation


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