Thank you, God and Dr Ravi Rao I talk about my weight loss a fair bit but I rar...

Thank you, God and Dr Ravi Rao I talk about my weight loss a fair bit but I rar...
vsg ,vsgcommunity

Thank you, God and Dr Ravi Rao

I talk about my weight loss a fair bit but I rarely talk openly on social media about HOW I lost weight. It’s not something I deliberately hide. When asked in person; my response is literally “I took most of my stomach out LOL 😂” and people assume I’m being ironic but I’m not. I actually did. I had weight loss surgery in June 2018 and I’m not embarrassed or ashamed.
I was morbidly obese. BMI of almost 45 (I’m 160cm/ 5’3), nearly 114kg/ 18ish Stone/ 250lbs, size 24 and a walking heart attack. I was suffering with a bad case of PCOS, infertility and generally felt shit about myself. This is what inspired me to go down the Gastric Sleeve route. I was nearing 30; desperate for a baby and felt time was running out, genetically speaking. My own attempts at losing weight hadn’t worked and I flat out refused to spend another few years getting fatter and more infertile.
So I saw @perthsurgicalbariatrics and Dr Ravi Rao kindly removed the majority of my stomach. I now sit between 62 and 65kg/133lbs/9 Stone 9ish and can wear anything from an 8-12. My BMI is a ‘healthy’ 24 (I hate BMI). Unfortunately I’m still short. Next time I might get my knees stretched. I look older in the face; my cheeks have sunk and I no longer pass for 24 but I’m healthier, happier and more importantly; my PCOS symptoms have basically gone and I’m fertile. I might actually get a baby now.
To any of my larger friends who are at a loss; don’t be embarrassed to go down this route. It can be difficult but it’s worth it. The help is there if you want to take it! To those who want to lose weight the ‘proper way’, good for you! Go for it! I wish you the best; but this was the best option for me. I’m always open for WLS conversations if anyone wants to ask. HMU ✌🏻#vsg #vsgcommunity

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