PINK TO MAKE MYSELF WINK PINK is by far one of my favourite brands. Albeit expen...

PINK TO MAKE MYSELF WINK PINK is by far one of my favourite brands. Albeit expen...
vsgjourney ,bariatricsurgery ,tonicsurgery ,gastricsleevesurgery ,gastricsleevecommunity ,gastricband ,gastricbypass ,wls ,wlstransformation ,transformationthursday

🎀PINK TO MAKE MYSELF WINK🎀 PINK is by far one of my favourite brands. Albeit expensive, there’s nothing comfier then throwing on some PINK sweats and if it were allowed I would wear them everyday🥺 I used to buy the large as ‘oversized’ but yesterday made me realise the true definition😂 It’s ironic that the more weight I lose the more joy I find in wearing bigger clothes but I just can’t help how dang comfy they are!! Here’s to actually being able to appreciate oversized clothes and feeling cute whilst doing it🙋🏻‍♀️#vsgjourney #bariatricsurgery #tonicsurgery #gastricsleevesurgery #gastricsleevecommunity #gastricband #gastricbypass #wls #wlstransformation #transformationthursday

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