vsg ,vsgjourney ,vsgcommunity ,vsgsurgery ,vsgmeals ,vsgfood ,vsgsupport ,vsgsisters ,bariatricsurgery ,bariatricsleeve ,bariatricfood ,bariatriccommunity ,wls ,wlscommunity ,wlsjourney ,wlsfood ,wlscommunityvsg ,sleevedlife ,sleevedsisters ,sleeved

Sister 3: April 2019 vs Yesterday! Idk how only 6 months ago I was the person on the left!? How? Having my sleeve done and going through this whole journey has been amazing! I’m so grateful to be on this beautiful ride with my sisters and all of you who follow us too! For anyone who’s stalling or having a tough time.. we are in this together! Remember to take this journey one day at a time 💛 .
#vsg #vsgjourney #vsgcommunity #vsgsurgery #vsgmeals #vsgfood #vsgsupport #vsgsisters #bariatricsurgery #bariatricsleeve #bariatricfood #bariatriccommunity #wls #wlscommunity #wlsjourney #wlsfood #wlscommunityvsg #sleevedlife #sleevedsisters #sleeved


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