I’m delighted to share that Karen Jurke my beautiful Client WON State Slimmer of...

I’m delighted to share that Karen Jurke my beautiful Client WON State Slimmer of...

I’m delighted to share that Karen Jurke my beautiful Client WON State Slimmer of the Year for NSW, after now losing 76 kg’s! 🎉🎉🎉 I’m in total awe of this beautiful, brave and brilliant women. Karen has never let her weight define who she is, and has always refused to be bound by her weight, by being brilliant in so many other areas. She has always known that she was worth so much more than just a number on the scales, and it was with that same fierce determination that she managed to lose a life changing/saving 76 kgs/12 Stone!! 🙌

Karen has now decided to go on and lose more, so watch this space people. Because whatever Karen sets her mind to do, you can guarantee it will happen!
Karen, as many people will confirm, whenever I start to speak of you and your journey, I get very emotional. I write this post with tears in my eyes as your journey and knowing you has moved me more than I can ever find the words to express. I have rewrote this post several times, but no words can truly express the pride, respect and love I have for you and the battles I have seen you face then overcome on your amazing journey into life changing health and happiness.
Love you Karen the most fierce of all weight loss warriors 🙅🏻‍♀️💕😘 .
Photo collage credit: @tamaracambridgeconsultant 💕😘


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