Weight Loss - My Journey to Lose the Weight With Nutrisystem

Weight Loss - My Journey to Lose the Weight With Nutrisystem

I was skinny my whole life. When I turned 30, I definitely noticed a shift in my metabolism and I could no longer eat whatever I wanted. I may have started carrying around an extra five or so pounds, but I was fine with it. Now I'd kill to be only 5 pounds overweight!

I gave birth to two beautiful girls in my mid thirties - not twins, but the second was born when the first was eighteen months old, so they may have well been twins. It sure felt like it! Needless to say, I packed on a few too many pounds with each pregnancy, and I hadn't quite gotten back to normal after the first before the second came along.

It took a long time to lose the weight the second time around and I never really got anywhere close to my pre-pregnancy weight.

I am 5'0" and I was happy at around 125, which - according to the "charts" - is heavy for my height, but I've always been kind of muscular. When my youngest daughter was 21 months old, we moved across the country, from California to Florida. The move and the subsequent unpacking helped me to shed a few pounds and I was down to 137 just before starting chemotherapy.

Yup, found out I had breast cancer in June 2008, just before our move. I won't get into the details here; I have documented a lot about my cancer and what I went through and you can read it all through the links below. For the purposes of this article, I'll say that chemo made me gain weight - 30 pounds! I know what you're thinking -- "but I thought chemo made people lose weight?" Me too. I complained to my Oncologist and found out that because of the types of drugs they give you and the amount of steroids, most breast cancer patients gain weight. Not fair, that's all I have to say about that!

Okay, so moving on - it has now been one year since my completion of chemo. I found out a couple of months ago that I have hypothyroidism - probably the reason why I haven't been able to lose the extra weight. I'm now on medication for my thyroid and probably will be for the rest of my life - thanks, radiation!

I decided in December that I needed to do something to get this weight off because I just can't be a fat person; I don't like myself like this and I'm just not happy. Not to mention that being overweight is a risk factor for breast cancer recurrence. I chose Nutrisystem. I'm not much of a cook and don't enjoy it. I didn't want to have to count calories and points day in and day out. I wanted something that was easy and regimented, so I went with Nutrisystem.

I started on January 3, 2010. As of this writing, it's been 18 days and I've lost nearly 7 pounds so far - not bad! I decided that I was going to do all I could not to fail, so I decided to hold myself more accountable by documenting my progress. I've been publishing articles on HubPages for about six months now, so I decided to publish my Nurtisystem journey. If I'm publishing my progress and discussing each meal and giving my opinion of them, and if anyone follows my progress, then I'm more accountable and motivated to do it and do it right.

I have found a few meals that I just love and many that I definitely will not be ordering next month. Without trying, I find that I am learning to look at calories and, most important, portion size. I think that is where my biggest failure has been; I have always had trouble with portion control. Nutrisystem is teaching me the quantities I should be eating and I'm satisfied! I do miss "real" food, but I also know that once I get to my goal weight and am able to start enjoying real food, I'll know how to do it right!

If you are considering trying Nutrisystem and want to hear how the food tastes (to me), or are just interested in reading more about my weight loss plan and journey, then check out the links below to read more. Happy 2010!



























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