Traditional Dieting Has 99% Failure Rate - Find Out Why

Traditional Dieting Has 99% Failure Rate - Find Out Why

Nearly 99.5% of dieters fail to lose significant amount of weight or fail to maintain the weight loss. Researchers were worried about this unusually high rate of failure and when they investigated the matter found that it is not merely due to lack of will power on the part of dieters. More than that, it was about the body's response to dieting.

The major problem with traditional diets is that it slows down the metabolism rate. Metabolism rate refers to the rate at which you burn calories. If someone is overweight, then chances are that their metabolism is already very slow when compared to others. When you reduce calorie intake, the body will respond by slowing down its own process of burning calories. Why does the body do this?

The main reason is that the body assumes that there is shortage of food, which is the reason why you are not eating as much as you did earlier. So, in slows down the calorie burning process in order to prevent starvation. When you stop dieting and start eating as before, the metabolism rate has already dropped, so you are likely to gain weight much faster. Before you started dieting, your metabolism rate was probably higher and still you were gaining weight. So imagine how it would be now that you are back to your old eating habits and your metabolism is slower than before! Can you imagine the consequences?

Sure, the metabolism rate is likely to pick up after a few days. But most probably, it will not reach to the same level as it was prior to your dieting. The worse news is that, after each dieting attempt, the metabolism is probably going to function at a lower rate than before. So, many people not just gain back the weight they lost, but gain some extra pounds as well.

If someone was weighing 200 pounds before dieting, he may now weigh 210 pounds due to metabolism decrease as a result of dieting. Furthermore, dieting also changes the body composition. There would be an increase in fat percentage and decrease in lean muscle after a dieting attempt. So, the ratio of fat to muscle in the body will be altered, which is not a good thing.

So, we can come to one major conclusion here - the person who goes on frequent diets is likely to face increased weight problems than before. Instead of losing weight, he may lose his good health! So, starvation diets in which you drastically cut down calories is not at all recommended if you want to achieve healthy and permanent weight loss. It would be much wiser to stay as far away as possible from such fad dieting programs.









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