Burn Fat After a Fatty Meal

Burn Fat After a Fatty Meal

"HELP..my mother-in-law is coming to visit and shows us how much she loves us by cooking favorites from the farm. Is there anything I can eat or do because the day to counteract mashed potatoes and gravy in for supper? "" - Corby S. Oro Valley, AZ.

I hear the above question a lot and am glad to give Corby an answer!

First and foremost, I believe it is kind of rude to tell someone that has made you a good cooked meal, you can not eat it. I guess that is the way I grow up and kind of the way people think in the Midwest. Most people do not know what is good for you and what is not. Some have a slight idea and can get most of the meal right, but most can not. Now, I grow up in the Midwest and know that some of these meals just are not nutrient weak, and are not great for you. I also understand that a lot of people assume they are, but they are not. Heavy and starchy foods are just not the best for us. But I also know when you have a loved one who makes them with love and heart, you can not say no. Now, these are meal good for you, NO WAY! They are terrible for you, but it is better to be a trooper and do the right things through the day, so you can enjoy these very heavy meals and put a big smile on your mother in law's face!

Remember, you can eat the foods you enjoy and you do not have to go to extremes to lose fat. The thing you have to realize is that you have to counteract these foods, with some healthy habits before and after you eat these big "home cooked" meals. I am going to share with you some tips to help you stay lean, bust your body fat and lose weight, while still enjoying a good "home cooked" meal every once in a while. I am not suggesting eating big heavy, hearty, starchy "home cooked" meals every day. This is a situation that may come up on certain occasions and you do not want to be rude during a family event. If you are eating big meals like this every night, you need to cut back and start implementing healthy alternatives.

3 Fat Loss Tips To Bust That Heavy, Hearty, Fatty Meal:

  • Eat a little, A lot, through the day. what I mean by this is to snack and eat little meals through out the day. Be frequent with your snacks and small meals. Instead of eating just breakfast, lunch and dinner. Eat a small breakfast, but "graze" or snack all day. Eat foods like almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, cucumber slices, berries, and other greens through out the day. Eating a lot of small snacks and meals throughout the day will spike your metabolism and have it peaking when you decide to plunge into that heavy, fatty, hearty "home cooked" meal. Your metabolism will react and burn that food off quicker. So jump start your metabolism and eat a lot of little healthy snacks throughout the day.

  • Super Hydrate. Super hydrating flushes toxins out of your system and helps your digestive system run at optimum force. I suggest drinking 16 ounces of water, with a splash of baking soda, 8 times a day. The baking soda is a natural electrolyte and also aids in flushing out toxins from your system. Hydrating will also curve some of your appetite, so you do not overeat one of these big delicious meals. Hydrate like a king in the morning, like a queen in the afternoon and a peak at night.

  • Eat a big salad 30 minutes before your fatty meal. A big salad before a meal will release enzymes that help break down food better for digestion. The faster you get rid of the food, the faster you will lose that fat from it. Eat a big salad to fight against fat gain. Keep this in mind for other meals too, do not be afraid to eat a salad before lunch or even breakfast, especially if you are going to be eating heavy meals. This will break down the food faster and get rid of it faster.

Remember, you do not have to go to extremes to lose fat. Just by implementing certain tricks and secrets into your day will allow you to splurge at times. It's about being consistent like clock work with the little things, which allow us to be able to eat and enjoy the things we love. Practice these 3 fat loss tips within your day and watch the fat melt away, they do not have to be reserved just for days when you are going to eat a big fatty meal.



























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